Heroes and Villains Wiki

Angela Azarath is the secondary antagonist of the first season of Titans. She was the former lover of Trigon and the mother of Rachel Roth.

Role in the series[]

Season one[]

Manipulating the Titans[]

Unlike the comics, Angela is a villainous figure in comparison to the compassionate Arella from the comics. She manipulated the Titans into thinking she was a victim of his brutality when in reality she was one of his accomplices and a member of the organization that was after Rachel throughout the whole season. 

Tricking Rachel[]

She tricks their daughter into creating a portal for Trigon to escape in after poisoning Gar Logan with a deadly plant from her garden. 


After Trigon's return, he ultimately killed Angela, showing no more use for her.  



Angela presents herself as a helpless woman who has supposedly been held captive in a psychiatric hospital for years. Upon being supposedly rescued by her daughter, Rachel Roth, Angela appeared to be a caring mother, happily reunited with her daughter. Angela even expressed gratefulness towards Melissa Roth, her alleged friend She supposedly gave Rachel to for safekeeping. She screamed at Koriand'r for trying to kill her daughter, even ordering Dick and Donna to get her out of her house. 

True persona[]

However, Angela's kind and caring nature was just a ruse; in truth, Angela was a manipulative woman who has been a loyal follower of Trigon for years. She manipulated her daughter's friends with this ruse in order for them to trust her and lure them to KilldeerAngela had no qualms of exploiting Rachel's powers for the fact that Trigon would lay waste to Earth 9 and other places in the Multiverse, even willing to poison Gar Logan, an innocent teenager. It was the main reason why Melissa Roth, a good intentioned woman saved the child from that terrible fate and chose to hide Rachel from her biological parents.

Most of Angela's personality stemmed from the supposed love she had for Trigon. However, he did not feel the same way towards her, merely seen her as upon he would later dispose of without remorse. It also raises the question if Angela really cared about Rachel or not.


  • Angela is the only maternal figure of Raven who turned against her. While Melissa was afraid of Rachel's power, she still cared about her as her own child and Kory develops a close, maternal bond with Rachel the moment they met.