Anakin Skywalker is a one of the major protagonists in the Star Wars universe as one of the three main protagonists of the Skywalker Saga in the franchise, being the protagonist of the prequel series. At the age of nine, Anakin became a Jedi Padawan and rose to the ranks until finally reaching the rank of Jedi Knight. He is the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and the grandfather of Kylo Ren, and he is the Jedi master of Ahsoka Tano until she eventually left the Jedi Order.
After his wife became pregnant, Anakin finally fell to the dark side of the Force to save her from dying, being named Darth Vader, the new apprentice of Darth Sidious until his redemption by saving his son from the Emperor.
- In the prequel trilogy, Anakin was portrayed by Jake Lloyd as a child in its first film The Phantom Menace.
- He was portrayed by Hayden Christensen as a young adult in second and third films Attack of The Clones and Revenge of the Sith with James Earl Jones reprising the role of Anakin's Darth Vader voice at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
- Christensen also played Anakin's force ghost in the 2004 DVD version of Return of the Jedi and voiced the character in Revenge of the Sith.
- David Prowse portrayed Vader in his suit form in the original trilogy.
- In the Clone Wars movie and series, he was voiced by Matt Lanter, who also portrays Wyatt Logan in Timeless.
- James Earl Jones reprised the role of Anakin's Darth Vader voice in Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
He appears as the main protagonist of the prequel series, serving as the deuteragonist of The Phantom Menace, the protagonist of Attack of the Clones and the villain protagonist of Revenge of the Sith and is one of the two main protagonists of the canon comic book series, Obi-Wan and Anakin. In his animated appearance, Anakin is the main protagonist of the 2008 film, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and one of the main protagonists of its follow up series.
In this Vader persona, he was the main antagonist of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back and the secondary antagonist-turned deuteragonist of Return of the Jedi. He was also one of the three main antagonists (alongside The Grand Inquisitor and Grand Admiral Thrawn) of the 2014 animated TV show Star Wars: Rebels, and a major antagonist in the 2016 stand-alone film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He is also the main antagonist and final boss of the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Physical Appearances
Powers & Abilities
- The Force: Being the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker was one of the most powerful users of The Force, drawing his power from the light side. Several others, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, realized Anakin was more powerful in the Force than Yoda but his powers rivaled his children, Luke and Leia.
- Telekinesis - Ability to move individuals or objects
- Force Push: Ability to push people through the Air offensively or defensively, which can sometimes lead them to fall unconscious based on the Impact of the Fall
- Force barrier: Allows Anakin to create a barrier between them and anyone they desire.
- Force Wave: Anakin unleashes Force-energy to throw off multiple opponents at once.
- Force Throw: Ability to throw items and individuals to a designated target.
- Force Grip: Ability to grip individuals/objects into the air.
- Force Choke: Ability to choke people with the Force, usually to kill or weaken the victim. He primarily used it as Darth Vader.
- Force Pull: A form of telekinesis. Ability to pull individuals/items towards the Force user.
- Force Crush: Anakin utilized Force Crush to crush objects or droids.
- Telekinesis - Ability to move individuals or objects
- Force Orb: Ability to create a bubble of air. Used by Anakin and with the help of Kit Fisto to create an air bubblebarrier for Padmé Amidala when her helmet was cracked.
- Force Vision: Ability to have visions of the past, present and future. However, images are not always clear and can sometimes happen against the Force user's will.
- Mind Trick: Ability to manipulate the thoughts of another being. However, some are able to resist, such as Force-wielders and those with a strong mind.
- Taming Beasts: Ability to bond with another creature/being. Anakin did not manage to accomplish it as well as Obi-Wan.
- Force Healing: The ability to heal a target with the Force by using their own life energy. It was performed by Anakin Skywalker on the Daughter and Ahsoka Tano to bring her back to life after the Son killed her
- Force Jump: To use the Force to jump at greater distances.
- Force Rage: To channel one's anger to increase an individual's strength, speed, stamina and durance.
- Force dash: The ability to move through amazing speeds.
- Force Spirit: Ability to make one self-conscious after death.
- Immense Strength: Anakin used his Force powers to increase his physical strength; this made him physically stronger then most, if not all other sentient beings. His cybernetic arm also allowed him additional strength to overpower others with greater ease.
- Cybernetic Arm: Anakin utilized his cybernetic hand in combat, as it gave him greater strength to easily subdue, restrain, and overpower his opponents.
- Immense Reflexes: Anakin had impressive reflexes that were above that of ordinary Force-users; his reflexes were superior to most, if not all members of the Jedi Order.
- Lightsaber Combatant: Anakin was a highly skilled lightsaber combatant, being exceptionally gifted. In The Clone Wars, he was bested by Count Dooku, but as the series progressed, he became better in their duels, eventually being able to outmaneuver him during the Battle of Coruscant. Because of his lightsaber skills, he overpowered Barriss Offee and as Darth Vader, overpowered Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. He mostly did Form I, Form IV, Form V, Vorm VI and Jar'kai (handling two lightsabers). Anakin was initially weak in Jar'kai during his duel with Dooku but eventually improved during his duel with Barriss.
- Master Engineer: Since he was a child, Anakin was able to build his own podracer and protocol droid.
- Intimidation: Anakin caused an intimidating presence that caused others to fear him, such as Yoda, Mace Windu, and Barriss Offee. However, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were the only two Jedi not intimitaded by Anakin and one of the few to stand up to him. This trait carried over to when he was Darth Vader, as even his allies feared Vader (including the Inquisitors, who knew punishments would be death if they failed.
- Genius Level Intellect: Anakin was highly intelligent, being a master tactician and skilled leader, earning respect from several others throughout the Clone Wars.
- Multilingual: Anakin spoke in Basic, Huttese and Bitt
- Expert Marksman: Although rarely seen; Anakin was highly skilled in the use of blaster pistols.
- Master Pilot: Anakin was highly skilled in piloting various speeders and all types of flying crafts. According to Obi-Wan Kenobi; Anakin was the best star-pilot in the history of the galaxy.
- First Lightsaber: Anakin built his first blue-bladed lightsaber on Ilum, it would remain in his possession until it was destroyed on Geonosis in the Separatist Droid Factory while fighting Geonosian soldiers; during Anakin and Padmé's attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. He briefly fought Dooku with two borrowed lightsabers until he was defeated by the Sith.
- Second Lightsaber: Anakin built a slightly different blue-bladed lightsaber and used it throughout his Jedi career and the entirety of the Clone Wars. He used this weapon through Revenge of the Sith, even after having fallen to the dark side and throughout the fall of the Galactic Republic
The Skywalker Saga
The Phantom Menace
In this film, Anakin Skywalker who meets Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, and Jar Jar Binks who wander into his master, Watto. He offers to help them with their ship parts by entering his own podracer in the competition. During their time on Tatooine, Qui-Gon becomes close with Anakin, up to the point he is convinced Anakin is the Chosen one. Anakin wins his freedom in a podrace, tearfully parts with his mother. On Anakin and Qui-Gon's way back to the ship, they are suddenly attacked by a dark and mysterious figure suspiciously talented in the ways of the Sith. Anakin is initially terrified of the warrior until Qui-Gon yells for him to reach the ship. Making it to the ship, he warns everyone on board of QuiGon's fight with Maul. The crew saves Qui-Gon, who introduces Anakin to his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
When they reach Coruscant, Anakin is left in the Queen's group of companions, unknowingly encountering Darth Sidious (known as Sheev Palpatine to the public). Qui-Gon takes Anakin to the Jedi Council, who forbid training on the grounds because the boy's future is clouded by the fear he exhibits. Instead, Anakin accompanies Padme, Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to Naboo, where Padme wins the love of the Gungans. During the Invasion of Naboo, Anakin was told by Qui-Gon to remain in one of the starships, as he and Obi-Wan faced Darth Maul. Using his pilotting skills, Anakin destroys the Trade Federation's command ship. However, after the battle, he learned Qui-Gon was killed in a three-way duel between him, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul.During Qui-Gon's funeral, Obi-Wan informs Anakin he will now look after the boy as his padawan and promises he will become a Jedi.
Afterwards, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, befriends the boy, telling him that "we will watch your career with great interest".
Attack of the Clones
Ten years afterwards, Anakin and Obi-Wan are told by Palpatine to investigate an assassination attempt made on Padmé, who is now a senator following her term as Queen of Naboo expiring. Anakin and Obi-Wan locate the assassin, but before they can board a ship, Obi-Wan hurls himself out the window and onto a droid. Fortunately, Anakin "borrows" an airspeeder and he is able to rescue him. With that, the two are able to chase down the assassin, but fail to learn her identity when she is shot by her own employer with a toxic dart that poisons and kills her in seconds. Being assigned to protect Padme, Anakin travels with her to Naboo, where they fall in love. In the mix, Anakin has a vision of his mother in pain, and goes to Tatooine, where he learns that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders weeks ago. He goes to the Tusken camp, where he discovers his mother has been tortured beyond saving by the tribe; she dies in his arms. Heartbroken, Anakin flies into a violent rage and slaughters every single Tusken Raider; men, women, and even children.
He returns with his mother's body, and tearfully confesses his deed to Padmé, who comforts him and forgives him for acting upon his emotions. Soon after, Anakin and Padmé travel to Geonosis, hoping to rescue Obi-Wan from Jedi-turned-Sith Lord Count Dooku and his army of battle droids and Geonosians; instead, they end up in a droid factory and are captured and sentenced to death. Anakin and Padmé profess their love for each other before being transported into the arena. After fighting the Reek turned loose on him, Anakin and his friends are rescued by an army of clone troopers and Jedi. After fighting in a fierce battle, Anakin and Obi-Wan follow Dooku to a hangar and confront the Sith Lord, only to be electrocuted by Force Lightning. When he recovers, Anakin loses his right forearm in a lightsaber duel with him; it is later replaced with a prosthetic. Anakin and Padmé then marry in a secret ceremony.
Revenge of the Sith
Three years later, Anakin is now a Jedi Knight and hero of the Clone Wars. He and Obi-Wan lead an attempt to rescue Palpatine, who has been captured by Count Dooku and Separatist commander General Grievous and taken to the Separatist flagship, Invisible Hand. During the rescue, Anakin defeats Dooku in a lightsaber duel and executes him in cold blood at Palpatine's urging. When he returns to Coruscant, he meets with Padmé, who tells him she is pregnant with his child. That night, he has a vision of Padmé dying in childbirth; he fears it will come true, as it is similar to the visions he had of his mother before her death.
Meanwhile, Palpatine names Anakin his personal representative on the Jedi Council. The Council, suspicious of Palpatine's near-dictatorial power in the Senate, denies Anakin the rank of Jedi Master, and orders him to spy on Palpatine, whom Anakin considers a friend and mentor. Confused and angered by the perceived snub and the instructions to commit what he believes to be treason, Anakin continues to lose faith in the Jedi.
Eventually, Obi-Wan engages General Grievous on the planet Utapau, and Anakin is sent to inspect the Chancellor's reaction. During their chat, Palpatine reveals to Anakin that he is Darth Sidious, the Sith mastermind behind the war, and that the dark side of the Force holds the power to save Padmé's life. Anakin Skywalker, who found out that Darth Sidious is in fact Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, approaches and finds Mace Windu about to kill Sidious. Hesitating, Anakin is shocked when he suddenly betrays Mace Windu before Sidious throws him out the window. Sidious promises to save his pregnant wife from dying in exchange for becoming his apprentice. Tempted, Anakin falls and is rechristened as Darth Vader by Sidious and made into his new apprentice. As Vader, he leads the 501st Legion and slaughters Jedi, including the Younglings and Padawans. Vader killed all the members of the Separatist High Council on Mustafar, where he was was confronted by Padmé and Obi-Wan, whom he enters in a lightsaber duel with. He is left to burn after Obi-Wan bests him in mortal combat and flees the planet with an unconscious Padme.
Vader is found by Clone Troopers and Sidious, who has Vader brought back to Coruscant and being given his iconic suit. Afterwards, Vader asks for Padme's whereabouts, but Sidious reveals that Padme died in his anger, causing Vader to scream in agony at losing his wife and children. What little remained of Anakin was finally gone and Vader's transition towards the dark side is complete.
He later oversees the construction of the Death Star with Wilhuff Tarkin and Sidious.
Rogue One
Shortly after the confrontation with Ahsoka, with a meeting with Grand Admiral Thrawn (whom he highly regards), Vader returns to his refuge, a sinister castle on Mustafar. While in a regeneration capsule and guarded by two of his loyal Imperial Royal Guards, Vader is visited by Imperial Director Orson Krennic, who is in charge of the creation of the Death Star. Krennic complains to him that Governor Tarkin has taken over the Death Star - his project. Krennic urges Vader to allow him to present the weapon to the Emperor to make sure the Emperor understands what the weapon is capable of. However, Vader is more concerned with the recent security leak and orders Krennic to make sure that the weapon will be operational and invulnerable. Seeing that as a sign that he and not Tarkin is in charge of the Death Star operation, Krennic asks Vader, who is already leaving, whether Vader will secure him an audience with the Emperor. Enraged at being questioned by one of his underlings, Vader silences Krennic by force choking him while turning around to see the man, telling Krennic to 'be careful not to choke on his aspirations' before releasing Krennic and returning to his regeneration chamber.
When the plans of the Death Star are broadcast from Scarif to the Rebel fleet, Vader arrives in his Imperial Star Destroyer the Devastator moments before the fleet can jump to hyperspace. Leading a boarding commando himself, Vader enters the flagship of the Rebel fleet, intending to retrieve the plans. Once aboard the ship, he starts slaughtering the nearby rebel soldiers but cannot prevent a small group escaping onto a smaller ship with the plans. As Vader enters the hangar, he can only watch as the ship carrying the plans docks loose and escapes.
A New Hope
Shortly afterwards, Vader is charged with recovering the stolen plans of the Death Star and finding the Rebel Alliance's secret base. He and the storm troopers attack the ship owned by Princess Leia, who was in fact his own daughter. He captures and "interrogates" Princess Leia and, along with Death Star Commander Governor Tarkin, destroys her homeworld of Alderaan. Shortly afterward, he duels his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has arrived at the Death Star to rescue Leia, and cuts him down, turning him into a spirit in the Force. He then encounters his son, Luke, during the Battle of Yavin, and senses in him a great strength in the Force; this is confirmed moments later when the boy destroys the battle station. He was about to shoot Luke down using his TIE fighter, but Han Solo disabled his ship using the guns on the Millennium Falcon, and sent Vader spinning into space. The Death Star was then destroyed by Luke's torpedo, forcing construction of a second one.
When Obi-Wan told Luke about Vader and his father, instead of revealing Anakin's fall from grace, Obi-Wan instead said that Anakin and Vader were separate entities: Anakin was said to be his friend while Darth Vader used to be his apprentice until he joined the dark side of the Force, and killed Anakin during the fight. This was the half-truth however, though in some ways, it was true from Obi-Wan's point of view: The statement where Vader killed Luke's father actually refers Anakin's fall from grace where the good inside him almost gone, and Vader was his apprentice right when he was Anakin.
The Empire Strikes Back
Three years later, Vader leads an assault on a rebel base on planet Hoth, dispatching probe droids to confirm this. Though the Empire takes the base after a while, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca and Vader's old droid C-3PO escape in the ship, the Millenium Falcon. One scene shows Vader speaking with the Emperor via hologram, when Sidious senses a disturbance in the Force that confirms the rebel Luke Skywalker to be Vader's son. In Cloud City, he strikes a deal with the administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian to give Han over to the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Calrissian, Fett and Vader he capture Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and 3PO on Cloud City to lure Luke into a confrontation. and has Solo frozen in carbonite. Luke, who has been partially trained by Yoda, confronts the Sith Lord in the carbonite chamber, and ignites his lightsaber. Vader does likewise, and Luke attacks him. An increasingly one-sided duel broke out, in which Luke was overwhelmed by lightsaber, Force and strategy time and again, all the while Vader calmly fended off every single attack. Eventually, Luke managed to land a blow on Vader's shoulder. Then, deciding that the duel had gone on long enough, Vader resorted to unleashing the full breadth of his lightsaber skills and brutally overpowers Luke, ending the duel abruptly by cutting off his right hand. Vader then reveals his true identity as Luke's father and offers his son the chance to overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy as father and. Luke refuses, throwing himself down a mine shaft. He is sucked into a garbage chute and rescued by Leia, C-3PO, Chewbacca and Lando. He is fitted with a robotic hand to replace the one Vader had cut off.
Return of the Jedi
Some time later, he was charged with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star. He met with Sidious on board the half-constructed station to plan Luke's turn to the dark side. By this time, Luke had nearly completed his Jedi training, and had learned from a dying Yoda that Vader is indeed his father. He learned about his father's past and fall to the dark side from Obi-Wan's spirit, and also learned that Leia is his sister. On a mission to the forest moon of Endor, Luke surrendered to Imperial troops and is brought to Vader. Luke then talked with his father, insisting there is good in him, which Vader denies. Aboard the second Death Star, Luke resisted the Emperor’s appeals to his anger and fear for his friends, but eventually tried to attack Sidious. Vader stepped in and defended his master, and Luke and his father engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel. This time, they seemed to be evenly matched, but Luke calmly resisted Vader's lulling him to the dark side. However, when Vader telepathically probed his mind, learned of Leia's existence, and threatens to corrupt her instead, Luke snapped. Enraged, Luke violently attacked and very nearly killed Vader, severing his father's mechanical right hand and falls on the floor yelling in pain as Luke points the lightsaber blade near his face. He controlled his anger at the last minute, however, as he looked at Vader's cybernetic hand and then at his own; he realized that he was perilously close to suffering his father's fate.
However, as Luke refuses to become like his father, Sidious attacked Luke with Force Lightning. Vader immediately disappeared and Anakin took his place once again. Anakin is redeemed after saving his son from Sidious' torture and Vader is permanently gone. As Luke drags his father out of the Star Destroyer, Anakin realizes there is not much time left for him and asks to see his son with his own eyes. He tells Luke to inform his sister that he was right before becoming one with the Force. Anakin becomes a Force ghost, and watches his children celebrate their victory, along with Yoda and Obi Wan.
The Force Awakens
Unfortunately, Vader came with great consequences: his grandson, Ben, fell to the dark side of the Force, as Kylo Ren. Looking at hi s grandfather's destroyed mask, he promised to finish what his grandfather.
The Rise of Skywalker
Anakin's Force spirit speaks to Rey, as well as other Jedi of the past. He helps her destroy the resurrected Darth Sidious by telling her to balance the Force as he did. His grandson, now once again Ben Solo, followed his grandfather's sacrifice by saving Rey from death.
Star Wars The Clone Wars
During the battle of Christophsis, Anakin and Obi-Wan are leading the 501st Legion against the Droid Army. The two Jedi meet Ahsoka Tano, who reveals that Yoda has been trying to contact them but their transmissions are cut off due to an interference. They are able to contact Master Yoda and they are in need of reinforcements. However, the transmission is immediately interrupted. Obi-Wan at first, believes Ahsoka is his Padawan until she reveals that she was assigned to Anakin, who immediately denies having the role of Master because he did not ask for one. Begrudgingly, Anakin takes Ahsoka along with him, where she is introduced to Anakin's second-in-command, Captain Rex.

After a shield generator is placed on the Separatists' army, Ahsoka and Anakin go behind enemy lines by using a metal box to sneak in. Approaching the generator, Anakin and Ahsoka are attacked by several Destroyers. Ahsoka managed to disable it while also saving Anakin by using a wall that had one hole, where her Master was positioned and crushed the destroyers surrounding him. However, the battle is a Republic victory, and Anakin accepts Ahsoka as his Apprentice, thinking that though she wouldn't make it as Obi-Wan's, she might make it as his. Yoda appears on the battlefield and asks if Anakin is unsatisfied with his new role as a Master. However, Anakin accepts that with the proper traiining, Ahsoka had potential to become a Jedi. Now established Master and Padawan, they are assigned a new mission: to recover Jabba's son, Rotta, who has been kidnapped by the Separatists to turn the Hutts against the Jedi and the Republic.

On their way to rescue Rotta on the planet Teth, Ahsoka informs the Clones what transpired between her and Anakin during the battle of Christophsis, immediately building a friendship with the Clones and her Master, who has nicknamed her "Snips" because of her snippy personality. Despite Anakin's hatred for the Hutts, he still needs to rescue Rotta so the Republic can use Jabba's trade route as a hyper space highway. Making it to the fortress, Anakin and Ahsoka find him in a cell, left abandoned and extremely ill. They are alerted to the presence of Asajj Ventress when they hear Rex call Anakin by his first name, something Rex never does and only addresses Anakin as "General." They are forced to flee on an abandoned ship, where Ahsoka and Anakin briefly encounter Ventress but are able to escape while taking Rotta to Tatooine. However, they are attacked by Count Dooku and his droids. Anakin directs his Padawan to Jabba's palace with Rotta while he provides the distraction. Dooku and Anakin engage each other in a duel, nearly a year since their last encounter on Geonosis. Anakin reveals his apprentice is making her way to Jabba's palace to return Rotta safely until Dooku reveals that his droids will attack and capture Ahsoka, kill Rotta, and force Ahsoka to pay for their "crimes." Anakin, frightened, abandons Dooku and rushes off to save her, unknowingly missing Ahsoka when he flies by on hi speeder bike.

Believing Jabba is holding Ahsoka captive, he demands that Jabba release her while taking his lightsaber out. However, the Hutt reveals Anakin plans to kill him, much to the Jedi's confusion. Ahsoka arrives with Rotta, returning him safely to his father. However, Jabba still believes anakin and Ahsoka to be a threat and nearly has them executed until he is contacted by Padmé Amidala, who reveals that his uncle Ziro was plotting against him. Realizing the deception, Jabba calls off his minions on Anakin and Ahsoka, the former congratulating his secret wife for her bravery. Anakin promises that Dooku will pay for his crimes as the war unfolds.
During the Mortis arc, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka come across the Gods of Mortis, the Father, the Daughter, and the Son. Anakin's dark-side persona, Vader appears in a Force vision given to him by the Son on Mortis when he shows him the future on what he will become. However, the Father erases Vader's memories of what events he was shown.
Star Wars Rebels
In Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, Vader appears in a cameo at the beginning of the television movie, telling the Grand Inquisitor to hunt down the remaining Jedi, as his Master's command due to an unforeseen threat growing.
After the death of the Grand Inquisitor, Vader appears on Lothal to personally deal with the rebels on Lothal led by Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger and Hera Syndulla. However, unbeknownst to him, Ahsoka has also come out of hiding and returned.
In The Siege of Lothal, Vader and Alexsandr Kallus plot to undermine the rebels and turn the Lothalites against them by staging an assassination attempt on Lothal's Minister, Tua. Later, the rebels try to escape the planet until Vader confronts Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his padawan, Ezra Bridger. He wounds Sabine Wren and engages the Jedi in a brief duel before their friends come to the rescue. He allows them to smuggle themselves out of a TIE but has it tracked to the rebel fleet. During the battle, he senses the presence of Ahsoka among the rebels. Before he can capture the Ghost, the ship makes it into hyperspace and the tractor beam of his Star Destroyer, catches Vader's ship instead. In the aftermath, Vader reveals to Sidious that Anakin Skywalker's apprentice lives and that she could lead them to other Jedi survivors, including Obi-Wan. However, the Emperor tells Vader to be patient to serach for his former Master. He sends the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister to handle the rebels.
Anakin appears on a hologram being watched by Ahsoka, who reveals to Ezra Bridger he was her master. Ezra recalls Kanan told him that Anakin was one of the most greatest Jedi of his time. Ahsoka confirmed it was so and told Ezra that she remembered how much he cared for his friends. On hers and Ezra's mission to the Lotahl Jedi Temple, Ahsoka had a vision of Anakin scolding her for leaving and blaming her for what he became. Soon, he turned into a vision of Darth Vader, which immediately terrified her and she refuses to accept it. During the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother's hunt, they eventually come across a Jedi temple on Lothal, something which pleases Vader and believes, it will have the same effect on the Emperor.
Following the discovery of the Jedi Temple on Lothal, Vader later arrived at the Sith Temple discovered on Malachor after the death of the Inquisitors. Encountering Ezra, he noticed that Ezra had acquired the Sith Holocron on the planet with Maul. He questioned the boy as to how he opened the path to the Malachor Sith Temple; Ezra told him to find out himself and engaged Vader in battle, but the Sith Lord was too strong and easily destroyed Ezra's lightsaber. But before he could finish the boy off, Ahsoka arrived and engaged Vader. He eventually managed to knock Ahsoka out of the Temple and attempted to stop Ezra and a blinded Kanan from escaping. A recovered Ahsoka charged up behind Vader and slashed part of his mask off, knocking him down to the floor and exposing a considerable amount of his disfigured face, including his yellow right eye.on Malachor, Ahsoka accepted that Vader and Anakin were the same person. She stashes his helmet, seeing Anakin's face and hears Anakin call out to her. SFor a few moments, Ahsoka's compassion appeared to have reached Vader, but he then shrugged it off; coldly declaring that she would die, he then ignited his lightsaber and moved to attack her again. As the pair resumed their battle, the temple collapsed and exploded around them, with Kanan and Ezra barely managing to escape. Vader survived the temple's collapse, but was badly wounded and limped away from the ruins.
In Steps Into Shadow, Vader has moved on to more important manners after having dealt with the Jedi leadership on Malachor. Instead, Grand Admiral Thrawn is called to deal with the rebels.
Printed Media
Jedi Quest book series
Obi-Wan and Anakin
The comic serves as a bridge between Episode II an Episode II as they explore the planet of Carnelion IV to answer a mysterious distress call. The series also features flashbacks, scattered across every issue, that detail the beginning of Anakin's trust towards Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Back when he was a younger Padawan, Anakin once considered leaving the Jedi Order. He voices his concerns to his Master, Obi-Wan and offers him his lightsaber. Obi-Wan is not able to change his mind right now because they are needed on a mission. In one of the issues, a young Anakin went into town with Palpatine but made Anakin promise not to tell Obi-Wan or anyone else what really happened However, after the mission, Avalon decided to stay.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padmé Amidala
Ahsoka Tano
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Darth Sidious
Qui-Gon Jinn
- In the earlier scripts of Star Wars, Anakin's last name was going to be "Starkiller".
- It is believed that Anakin was named after Ken Annakin, director of Swiss Family Robinson, one of George Lucas' favorite Disney films.
- In earlier drafts of The Empire Strikes Back, Anakin and Darth Vader were two seperate people and Vader and Luke were unreleated.
- He was the most powerful Force-user in the Star Wars universe; the only individual who is equal to Anakin's force powers, is his children, and grandchildren in both Canon and Legends.
External links
- starwars on the Wiki
- clonewars on the Wiki
- starwarsrebels on the Wiki
- black-knight on the Wiki
- hero on the Wiki
- disney on the Wiki
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