Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Amulet of Daylight was an ancient and powerful artifact from the Tales of Arcadia franchise. The Amulet was created by Merlin and his apprentice Douxie Casperan and used by Trollhunters, which was used to store their armor and the Sword of Daylight. It is summoned with the chant, "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!"

Usually, the Amulet can only be activated by the Trollhunter so it is not operational if it falls in the wrong hands, acting as a fail safe. The amulet was later destroyed by the Arcane Order so they could bring back Morgana to life.

Heroes: Jim LakeAja TarronDouxieTobias "Toby" DomzalskiKrel TarronBlinky GaladrigalClaire NuñezAAARRRGGHH!!!Eli PepperjackSteve PalchukVarvatos Vex Archie LuugMother

Villains: Angor Rot Bular Dictatious Galadrigal Gunmar Kubritz Angor Rot Bular Dictatious Galadrigal Gunmar Kubritz Morgana Otto Scaarbach Usurna Val Morando Zeron Alpha Zeron Omega

Recurring characters: Barbara Lake Draal Walter Strickler Mary Wang Darci Scott Coach Lawrence Coranda Tarron Fialkov Tarron Gnome Chompsky Javier Nuñez Kanjigar the Courageous Karl Uhl Lenora Janeth Loth Saborian Merlin Nancy Domzalski Nomura NotEnrique Ophilia Nuñez Unkar the Unfortunate Vendel Zadra Louis Scott

AkiridionsHumansDogs (Akiridion)Trolls (Half-TrollsChangelings Gumm Gumms) • GoblinsHellheetis
Guardians of Arcadia (Team Trollhunters, Akiridions, Team Creepslayerz) • Arcane Order • Knights of Camelot
Arcadia Oaks • Akiridion-5 • Camelot
Amulet and Sword of DaylightShadow Staff • Excalibur