The All-Star Squadron is a DC Comics superhero team that debuted in Justice League of America #193 and was created by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler and Jerry Ordway.
No previous affiliations[]
- Air Wave (Lawrence Jordan)
- Amazing-Man (Will Everett)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Pre-Crisis only)
- Blackhawk (Janos Prohaska)
- Blue Boys (Tubby and Toughy)
- Captain Triumph (Lance Gallant)
- Commander Steel (Henry Heywood)
- Captain X (Richard O'Dare)
- Dan the Dyna-Mite
- Dr. Occult (Richard Occult)
- Doll Girl (Martha Roberts)
- Firebrand (Danette Reilly)
- Gay Ghost (Keith Everett)
- Great Defender (Stormy Foster)
- Ghost Patrol
- Guardian (Jim Harper)
- Hawkgirl (Shiera Sanders)
- Harlequin (Molly Mayne)
- Hercules (Joe Hercules)
- Hop Harrigan
- Invisible Hood (Kent Thurston)
- Johnny Quick (Johnny Chambers)
- Judomaster (Hadley "Rip" Jagger) (Post-Crisis only)
- The King (King Standish)
- Liberty Belle (Libby Lawrence-Chambers)
- Little Boy Blue (Tommy Rogers)
- Little Miss Redhead (Janie)
- Manhunter (Paul Kirk)
- Merlin the Magician (Jock Kellog)
- Merry, Girl of 1000 Gimmicks (Merry Pemberton)
- Mister America/Americommando (Tex Thompson)
- Neon the Unknown (Tom Corbet)
- Quicksilver
- Red Tornado (Ma Hunkel)
- Robotman (Robert Crane/Paul Dennis)
- Sandy the Golden Boy (Sanderson Hawkins)
- Sargon the Sorcerer (John Sargent)
- Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
- Speed Saunders (Cyril Saunders) - never shown as a member in a published comic.
- Tarantula (Jonathan Law)
- Tiger (Tanaka) (Post-Crisis only)
- TNT (Thomas N. Thomas)
- Tor, the Magic Master (Jimmy Slade)
- Whip (Rodney Gaynor)
- Wildfire (Carol Vance Martin)
- Zatara (Giovanni Zatara)