Heroes and Villains Wiki

Alexander "Alex" Rider is the titular main protagonist of the 2006 film, Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker. He is a 14 year old British schoolboy from Chelsea, England who is b recruited by MI6 to take his uncle's place in stopping Darius Sayle from causing a mass murder of the schoolchildren of England with Operation: Stormbreaker.


Original Novel[]

In the novels, Alex Rider is a 14-year-old boy who is recruited into MI6 after his uncle Ian is killed by the assassin Yassen Gregorovich. He's forced to take on various missions throughout the novels by Alan Blunt who pretends to deport Jack and send Alex to a foster home. His parents are John Rider, an MI6 spy, and Helen Beckett, a nurse. He suffers from PTSD and gets worse as every mission goes on.


  • Alex shared his name and age with his actor.
  • Alex's love interest, Sabina Pleasure for the film to add the element of a love interest to the film's atmosphere.
  • Since he was underaged, Alex's car chase scene turned into a horse chase instead. Ironically, in the third book Skeleton Key, Alex mentions that he does not like horseback riding, considering it an unnecessary sport.

Alex's hair is blonde in the film and graphic novles, in contrast to his book character, who has light brown hair (described as fair) and brown eyes. His TV counterpart also has blonde hair and blue eyes.
