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This article is about his character from Netflix's adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. For his original counterpart, see Aang (Nickelodeon). For the first live-action version of Aang see Aang (The Last Airbender).

He said I need to remember who I am. But I know who I am. I like to play airball and eat banana cakes and goof off with my friends. That's who I am, not someone who can stop the Fire Nation. Not someone who can stop a war. The other kids always say I'm lucky because of the things I could do, but I'd trade places with any of them. I don't wanna leave. I don't want the responsibility. I'm scared of my power. I'm scared of being alone!
~ Aang to Appa in his titular episode

Avatar Aang (also known as the Last Airbender) is an airbending master, the current Avatar, and the titular main protagonist of the 2024 Netflix adventure fantasy series Avatar: The Last Airbender, based on the Nickelodeon 2005-2008 animated series of the same name.

Like the cartoon, he is the legendary Avatar who was the master of all four elements born as an Air Nomad. He disappeared 100 years ago before being freed from an ice berg by siblings Sokka and Katara. Now he must master the four elements in order to defeat Fire Lord Ozai and stop the Fire Nation's quest for world domination before Sozin's Comet returns at the end of summer.


Aang was born to two unnamed Air Nomads and was identified as the next Avatar and the immediate reincarnation of Avatar Roku. However he never got the chance to know his parents, growing up in the Southern Air Temple. As a child, Aang become close friends with Master Gyatso, the only father figure he has ever known. Before the War started, Aang often visited the other Nations. During his frequent visits to various parts of the world, Aang became close friends with Bumi of the Earth Kingdom and Kuzon of the Fire Nation.

Despite his power being greater than most of the other Airbenders, Aang grew afraid of his own powers, which developed after he nearly and accidentally blew several children off of the cliff. Just play everything he could tell that the other children were afraid of him even his own friends. By the time he was 12, Aang became a master Airbender and unlike the others, received his arrow tattoos in the halls where Yangchen's Statue was built. According to Aang, the other kids said he was lucky because of all the things he could do but Even then, Aang didn't want to be special and would trade places with any of them.

Role in the Series[]

Season 1[]


Spending most of his life in the Southern Air Temple, Aang is a kind-hearted and caring individual. From a young age, Aang grew up unaware of his identity as the Avatar. Before the war, Aang often appreciated visiting his friends, Bumi in Omashu and Kuzon in the Fire Nation. After learning his destiny as the one who would bring balance to the World, Aang confessed to Appa that he didn't want to be the Avatar because his deepest fear was ending up alone. He also feared his own powers, especially since most of his friends were afraid of him. He was also a selfless person, such as agreeing to leave with Zuko if he left Wolf Cove alone. According to Katara, Aang can connect with other people, as he is friendly to the children on Kyoshi Island. During his conversation with Zuko in a barn after their escape from the Stronghold, Aang empathized with Zuko and the two nearly bonded over being taught, with Aang's kindness making Zuko smile a little. However, after Aang stated that Zuko needed to show compassion to others and that he didn’t need to be like the other Firebenders, Zuko lashed out at him. It ended with Aang knocking the Fire Prince unconscious. Despite Zuko attacking him, Aang apologized to him for hurting him because someone had already emotionally and physically scarred Zuko a long time ago.

Upon waking up 100 years later in the Southern Water Tribe in Wolf Cove, Aang learned the true fate of all the other Air Nomads and that he was the last Airbender. Since then, Aang blamed himself for the decimation of those he considered his family, even entering the Avatar State when he saw Gyatso’s corpse. After Sokka finds out that Aang is the Avatar, he calls him a coward for running away, further causing Aang to blame himself for the Air Nomad Genocide. However, when he reunites with Gyatso in the spirit world, Aang can come to terms that it wasn't his fault when his mentor tells Aang he would have been slaughtered if he stayed. In the aftermath of the Siege of the North, Aang was devastated for letting it happen until Sokka and Katara convinced him that none of it was his fault and that this was the true spoil of war.

Because of his job of bringing balance to the world, Aang tries to help those in need, even when they don't ask for it. He offered his assistance to Teo and the Mechanist when Omashu was falling victim to bombings of blasting jelly and helping a Fire Nation settlement figure out what happened to their missing civilians. After being told that the duties of the Avatar must come before everything, even his own life, Aang refuses to let Katara join the fight with the other water benders, fearing that he will lose her and Sokka like he lost the Air Nomads. However, he changes his mind when Katara and Sokka convince him that he can't do it all by himself. He later took it upon himself to merge with La's after Zhao murdered his partner, Tui. However, Katara reached through him after the moon was restored into the sky, convincing Aang that she, Sokka, and the rest of Team Avatar are family. Aang's empathy for life and all extends even to his enemies.

Physical Appearance[]

Aang is a young boy of 12 years old (chronologically 112) with rounded face and his dark hair shaved of as part of his tradition, brown eyes, and a light skin complexion. He wears traditional Air Nomad robes which are long-sleeved yellow shirt and yellow pants. He also has loose orange shawl buttoned, brown pants, and tall red brown boots, an orange, belt-like wrap, and the end of the leg draping was tucked securely into the top of the knee-high boots.

Aang has blue-grey arrow tattoos that runs down his chi paths (his arms, forehead, head, back and neck). The arrows are visible at the top of his forehead and the back of his hands. He gained his to signify his status as a master-level Airbender.

In the Avatar State, Aang's eyes and arrow tattoos glow white.

Powers and Abilities[]


By the time of the Air Nomad Genocide, Aang was already an airbending master, having gained his master tattoos at age 12. He was able to levitate through the wind currents without a glider as he glides from the top of the Southern Air Temple's roofs down to the ground despite it being a five hundred meter drop. He used his Airbending to put out several of the fires set off by the Fire Nation's fire balls from their catapult. Aang can also telekinetically move objects by manipulating the Air around then. During his fight with Zuko in Omashu, Aang levitated several plates and launched them at his rival. Aang also used this ability to steal the key off of Zuko's guard and a spoon for a little Earth girl on Kyoshi Island.

He could also throw Air blasts at certain objects such as snow and ice. However Aang usually uses his air blasts to take out his enemies, taking out several Fire Nation soldiers during their attack on Wolf Cove and during his and Zuko's escape from Paouhi Stronghold, and throwing Zuko away after he tried firebendingat Aang. Instead Aang air-blasted Zuko away and accidentally knocked him unconscious after throwing him against the barn walls. .

Aang could also change the wind currents around himself with his glider.


Being the Avatar, the only person who can master all four elements, Aang has the power to bend water. When he entered the Avatar State, he used waterbending to freeze himself and Appa, where they remained for 100 years and merging with La and using her waterbending powers to create Koizilla. Aang is still a beginner and learning waterbending from Pakku and Katara. So far, Aang is only seen using waterbending when entering the Avatar State


Being the Avatar, the only person who can master all four elements, Aang has the power to bend fire and redirect lightning. However he only had demonstrated this ability when he was possessed by Kyoshi.


Being the Avatar, the only person who can master all four elements, Aang has the power to bend earth. However he only had demonstrated this ability when he was possessed by Kyoshi.

Avatar State[]

As the Avatar, Aang was able to contact his past lives seeking their advice and counsel due to being the living incarnation of Raava. He combined with the Ocean Spirit to defeat the Fire Nation during the siege of the North Pole and also channeled his past lives, namely Kyoshi on Kyoshi Island. Even while still a young child, Aang demonstrated a natural affinity to the spiritual arts.


Being part Spirit, Aang had Connection to the Spirit World, therefore having the ability to communicate with spirits. He contacted The Spirits of the Avatars from the past. As such, he was the only one who understood Wan Shi Tong when he and his friends encountered the knowledge spirit. To Sokka and Katara, the spirit was making owl noise.


As the Avatar and a world leader, Aang is burdened with leadership.



  • Air Glider
  • Zuko's journal


  • Mother of Faces Relic: In "Masks," Aang returns the statuette to Koh, who released his friend and the missing villagers.


"Have you seen Appa? My sky bison. Six legs, horns, brown arrows? Sky bison. Sky bison!"
"This is all his fault. He started the fight and left you behind and ran away. I'm really starting to see what kind of person he is."
"You were wrong. You can rely on your friends, and that's the only way I'm gonna save the world. With my friends."

Differences from the source material[]

  • Instead of having grey eyes, Aang has brown eyes
  • Aang is less adventurous than his animated counterpart but still retained cartoon Aang's kindness and compassion.
  • Like his original counterpart, Aang loses his patience when his silence is interrupted when he's trying to concentrate while meditate.
    • In the original cartoon, Aang yells at Princess Yue and Katara to stop talking when he is trying to contact the Moon and Ocean Spirits.
    • In the live-action series, Aang doesn't lose his patience but he gets slightly annoyed by Sokka whispering to Katara when he is trying to contact Hai Bai.
  • Aang is still a vegetarian.
  • In the new incarnation, Aang (12) is now four years younger than Sokka (16) and five years younger than Zuko (17). However, the age gap between him and Katara remains the same.
  • Aang apparently can fly on his own without the assistance of his glider. In the sequel series, The Legend of Korra reveals that a user can only unlock flight if they let go of every earthly possession they have. Zaheer gained this power after his girlfriend P'li had been killed by the Beifong sisters, Suyin and Lin. As such this is considered impossible since Aang's connection s are still there with him. It was probably added to the show so it can demonstrate how powerful Aang was as the Avatar.
  • Instead of being alienated from the other boys at the temple, Aang didn't know he was the Avatar until the day of the Air Nomad Genocide.
    • On that note, Aang doesn't run away because he overheard the monks talking about separating him and Gyatso. In the series, he stresses about being the Avatar and only leaves the temple with Appa to let off steam.
  • Aang, Sokka and Katara meet Teo and Sai (the mechanist) meet in different places. Instead of meeting Haru and his mother in the Earth Kingdom they met Teo and the Mechanist in Omashu as opposed to the Northern Air Temple.


Heroes and Villains has an article focusing of the relationships of Aang (Netflix)

In the Original Series[]

Aang was born to unnamed parents. After selecting the Avatar relics from among thousands of toys, thereby inadvertently confirming his identity as the Avatar, he was taken from his parents and raised by the monks without ever knowing he was the Avatar. Aang is told from a young age that he is the Avatar causing him to be alienated by the other boys. (The Storm) He later ran away from home after learning that the Monks planned to separate him and his surrogate father, Gyatso. However, he and Appa were caught up in a storm and Aang used his Waterbending in the Avatar State to create a gigantic iceberg that Aang remained in for over one hundred years.

When he emerged from the iceberg, he befriended two Water-tribe Siblings, Sokka, and Katara. Aang was devastated to learn that the Monks had been wiped out and he was the last Airbender. The group is later joined by the Winged Lemur, Momo, and is pursued by Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. After meeting Avatar Roku, Aang learned that Sozin's Comet was approaching. He needed to master all four elements and defeat the evil Fire Lord Ozai before the comet arrived. In Book 2: Earth, Aang mastered waterbending and learned Earthbending from a young girl, Toph, who became the fifth member of their group. During the second siege of Ba Sing Se, Aang was killed by Azula while in the Avatar state; fortunately, Katara was able to escape with her friends and allies when Iroh stayed behind to fight his niece and nephew. He was healed by Katara with spirit water from the Spirit Oasis. In Book 3: Fire, Aang learns firebending and lightning redirection with a reformed Prince Zuko, who sides with Team Avatar.

When Sozin's comet arrived in the four-part series finale, Aang faced the Fire Lord and came out victorious. But instead of killing Ozai, Aang used Energybending which the Lion turtles showed him. After the war, Aang and Zuko became lifelong best friends, despite being enemies at the start of their relationship and founded Republic City together. Immediately after the war Aang later began a romantic relationship with his childhood sweetheart, Katara, sharing their first kiss at Iroh's tea shop. They ultimately ended up marrying her and having three children with her, Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin, a daughter-in-law in Pema, and four grandchildren, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan. Posthumously, he was eventually succeeded by Korra, a young Waterbender, as the next Avatar.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Aang (Netflix).


  • In Kyoshi's opening narration, Aang stands on the plateau in his titular episode and runs into a statue with an airball scooter in "Warriors" in a similar fashion to the series' opening.
  • Aang unmasking Zuko in "Masks" is shot by shot of the original cartoon episode, "The Blue Spirit" and their dialogue is expanded.
  • Aang still retains his counterpart's loss of patience when he is trying to meditate. In Spirited Away, when Sokka doesn't stop whispering to Katara, Aang snaps at him before rolling his eyes in annoyance.
  • So far Aang is the only character whose name is used in an episode.
    • Warriors refers to Sokka, Suki, and Kyoshi and "Masks" refers to Zuko.
  • Just as Zuko and Aang connect in "Masks," it starts storming outside referring to the episode "The Storm" from the original cartoon series which explored both of their tragic backstories.


External links[]


Avatar The Last Airbender 2024 logo
Team Avatar: AangKataraSokkaAppaMomo
Fire Nation: Zuko, Iroh, Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, Fire Lord Sozin, Lu Ten, Zhao, Lieutenant Jee, Yon Rha, Mai, Ty Lee, Shyu, The Great Sage, Tan, Ursa, Lieutenant Dang, Southern Water Tribe
Air Nomads: Gyatso, Monk Thet, Lio, Pasang, Tsutop
Earth Kingdom: Suki, Yukari, Kyoshi Warriors, King Bumi, Jet, Sai, Teo, the Cabbage Merchant, Chong, Long Feng, Dai Li, King Kuei, Joo Di, Captain Dexit, Freedom Fighters (Longshot, Smellerbee, Pipsqueak, The Duke), June, Oma and Shu
Water Tribes: Southern Water Tribe (Hakoda, Bato, Kanna, Kya), Northern Water Tribe (Princess Yue, Chief Arnook, Pakku, Yagoda, Hahn
Creatures: Nyla, Badgermoles, Ostrich horses, Sky bisons and flying lemurs, Shirshu, Hei Ba, Koi
Spirits: Koh the Face Stealer, Tui & La, Wan Shi Tan, Past Avatars (Roku, Kuruk, Kyoshi, Yangchen)
Omashu, Ba Sing Se, Wolf Cove, Agna Qel'a (Spirit Oasis),Southern Air Temples
Airbending Staffs, Spirit Water, Sokka's boomerangs, Zuko's dual broadswords, Blue Spirit
           Avatar The Last Airbender Logo
Team Avatar (Netflix)

Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong
Gen II: Asami SatoBolinKorraMakoNagaPabu

Wan • Szeto • YangchenKurukKyoshi (Netflix) • Roku (Netflix) • AangKorra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh (Netflix) • Jeong JeongKing Bumi (Netflix) • Pakku • Piandao • White Lotus leader • White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang (Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Bumi • Gyatso • IkkiJinora • Kai • Meelo • Oogi • Opal • Pathik • Poki • Tenzin • Kelsang • Jesa • Afiko • Pengpeng

Earth Kingdom

Baatar Jr.Bolin • Haru • Freedom Fighters (Jet (Netflix) • Longshot • Sneers • Smellerbee • Pipsqueak • The Duke) • King BumiKyoshiLin Beifong • Metalbending Police Force • Prince Wu • SukiSuyin Beifong • The Boulder • The Metal Clan • Toph BeifongGeneral FongTeo (Netflix) • The Mechanist (Netflix) • Beifong Family (Lao BeifongPoppy Beifong • Wu Beifong • Baatar SrBaatar Jr.HuanOpalKuviraWei & Wing) • Earth Queen Hou-Ting • Chin the Conqueror • Dai Li (Long Feng • Dai Li Sergeant) • Sandbenders (Ghashiun) • Baatar Jr. • Commander Guan • Dr. Sheng

Fire Nation
Iroh (Netflix) • Iroh IIIzumi • Jeong Jeong • Mai (Netflix) • MakoPiandaoRangi • Hei-Ran • Roku (Netflix) • Shyu • Sun Warriors • Ty Lee (Netflix) • Ursa • Wan • Xu • Zuko • Sozin (Netflix) • Zhao (Netflix) • AzulonFire Lord Ozai (Netflix) • Fire Lord AzulonFire Lord Sozin (Netflix) • Princess Azula (Netflix) • Hiroshi Sato • Admiral Zhao (The Last Airbender & Netflix) • Ukano • War Minister Qin • Bujing (Netflix) • Mung • Lieutenant Jee (Netflix) • Lieutenant Dang • Yon Rha (Netflix) • Offshore Prison Warden • Boiling Rock Warden • Colonel Mongke • Southern Raiders • Rough Rhinos • New Ozai Society • Yuyan Archers • Royal Procession • Vachir • Chaejin • Fire Lord Zoryu • Huazo • Loban • Lo and Li • Circus Trainer • Jailer • Great Sage (Netflix)

Water Tribe
Northern Water Tribe: KurukPakku Desna & Eska • Tarrlok • Noatak • Yakone • Chief Unalaq • Judge Hotah
South Water Tribe: KataraSokkaKorraKya IIKya I (Netflix) • HakodaNagaSenna • Huu • Hama • VarrickTonraqPrincess Yue (Netflix) • Arnook (Netflix) • HahnPakkuZhu Li • Gilak • Thod • Lirin • Thod's disciples

Aye-Aye Spirit • La • Lion turtle • Raava • Tui and La (Netflix) | Vaatu | Dark Spirits | Hei Bai | Wan Shi Tong | Koh (Netflix) | Kemurikage | Old Iron | Father Glowworm

United Republic of Nations: President Raiko | Wonyong Keum | Jargala Omo | Tahno
Triple Threat Triad: Tokuga | Lightning Bolt Zolt | Shady Shin | Viper | Two-Toed Ping | Zhen
Equalists: Amon • Lieutenant • Hiroshi Sato
Flying Opera Company: Hark • Lao Ge • Jinpa • Kirima • Wong • Lek
Red Lotus: Zaheer | Ghazan | Ming-Hua | P'Li | Aiwei
Daofel: Xu Ping An • Mok • Wai • Jesa • Four Shadows Guan
