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Heroes and Villains Wiki

8D8 is a supporting antagonist in the 1983 film Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and the 2022 Disney+ miniseries, The Book of Boba Fett. It is a torture droid that served Boba Fett when he killed Bib Fortuna.


Return of the Jedi[]

The Book of Boba Fett[]

  • "Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land"
  • "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine"
  • "Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa"
  • "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm"
  • "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor"


  • Star Wars Battlefront II (DLC)
  • Bounty Hunt
  • Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel
  • Star Wars Battlefront (DLC)
  • Star Wars (2015) 70 (Variant cover only)
  • Dark Droids: D-Squad 4
  • Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi (First appearance)
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi junior novelization
  • Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side!
  • Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! audiobook
  • "The Key to Remembering" — From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi (In flashback(s))
  • "The Key to Remembering" — From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi audiobook (In flashback(s))
Star Wars Logo.svg
Jedi: Luke Skywalker</fontv>Anakin SkywalkerObi-Wan KenobiMaster YodaMaster Mace WinduQui-Gon JinnMaster Shaak TiJocasta NuCin DralligKit FistoAhsoka TanoMaster Depa BillabaMaster Luminara UnduliAayla SecuraMaster Plo KoonSaesee TiinEeth KothOppo RancisisKatooniPetroGanodiGungiByphHuyangZattEzra BridgerKanan JarrusReyF

Sith/Dark Jedi: Darth VaderPalpatine/Darth SidiousMaulCount DookuAsajj VentressBarriss OffeeKylo RenThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSixth BrotherSeventh SisterEighth Brother
Clones/Stormtroopers: Clone TroopersRexWolffeHunterCrosshairTechWreckerJesseEchoFivesGregorCodyStormtroopersScout TroopersDeath TroopersFirst Order StormtroopersShoretroopersJumptroopersPyreCaptain Phasma

Others from films
Prequel Trilogy: Padmé AmidalaGeneral GrievousSebulbaClegg HoldfastBail OrganaJar Jar BinksJango FettJobal NaberrieRuwee NaberrieSola NaberrieRyoo and Pooja Naberrie
Original Trilogy: Leia OrganaHan SoloChewbaccaLando CalrissianWilhuff TarkinGial AckbarMon MothmaWedge AntillesWicket W. WarrickGeneral VeersOwen LarsBeru Whitesun LarsBib FortunaFigran D'an and the Modal NodesEmperor's Royal GuardSalacious CrumbTIE PilotsAT-AT driversRebel PilotsNien NunbJabba the HuttWullf YularenBoba Fett
Sequel Trilogy: FinnPoe DameronLor San TekkaMaz KanataGeneral HuxFirst Order TIE PilotsSupreme Leader SnokeSidon IthanoTeedoUnkar PluttSnap WexleyRose TicoJannaZorii Bliss
Anthology Series: Jyn ErsoCassian AndorBodhi RookOrson KrennicChirrut ÎmweBaze MalbusGalen ErsoLyra ErsoQi'raEnfys Nest

Others from television
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hondo OhnakaKatooniPetroZattGanodiGungiByphGwarmHuyangCham SyndullaCad BaneNumaBo-Katan KryzeThe SonSteela GerreraDaughterFatherSaw GerreraTalzinSugiSavage OpressRafa MartezTrace Martez
Star Wars Rebels: Garazeb OrreliosSabine WrenHera SyndullaAgent Alexsandr KallusCikatro VizagoZare LeonisMinister Maketh TuaBaron Valen Rudor Commandant Cumberlayne AreskoTaskmaster Myles GrintZare LeonisJai KellTseeboAzmoriganSenator Gall TrayvisImperial Combat DriversKassius KonstantineQuarrieKetsu OnyoCaptain Brom TitusGovernor Ryder AzadiEphraim and Mira BridgerGrand Admiral ThrawnGovernor Arihnda PryceChavaGronFenn RauThe BenduGar SaxonCommander Jun SatoMart MattinGooti TerezJonner JinMorad SumarUrsa WrenTristan WrenYogar LysteVult Skerris
Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda XionoTam RyvoraJarek YeagerTorra DozaFreya FenrisGriff HalloranElrik VonregImanuel Doza

The Mandalorian: The MandalorianThe ChildCara DuneKuiilIG-88Grand Moff GideonThe ClientPaz Vizsla, Morgan Elsbeth
Ahsoka: Marrok, Shin Hati, Baylan Skoll
The Book of Boba Fett: TBA

R2-D2C-3POD-ORX-24G2-9TG2-4TAly San SanGonk droidsC1-10PAC-38BB-8Probe DroidID9 Seeker DroidAP-5K-2SOBattle DroidsKalaniDroidekasR3-A3EG-86BB-9ESM-33L3-37
WampaSarlaccTauntaunBanthaEwoksWookieesGungansTwi'leksJawasTogrutaGranRodiansGamorreansUgnaughtsTusken RaidersMon CalamariDianogaDewbacksSpace SlugLoth-catFyrnockPurrgilConvorRancorKryknaReekLasatRathtarMynockPuffer PigGeonosianZabraksLoth-WolfPorgVulptexFathier
Star Wars Legends
Mara Jade SkywalkerBen SkywalkerJacen SoloJaina SoloAnakin SoloGarm Bel IblisLuke Skywalker (Legends)Leia Organa (Legends)
Rebel AllianceGalactic EmpireJediConfederacy of Independent SystemsSithGalactic RepublicMandalorianFirst OrderResistanceInquisitoriusJedi Temple GuardsNew RepublicKnights of RenPraetorian GuardPyke SyndicateBlack Sun
TatooineNabooCoruscantYavin 4HothEndorJakkuExegolD'QarAhch-ToScarifLothalKrownestLasanLira SanRylothIlumCoruscant Jedi TempleLothal Jedi TempleEzra's TowerLuke Skywalker's Jedi TempleFirst Jedi TempleMandaloreDathomirDagobahBespinDeath Star IDeath Star IICsillaKashyyykKesselJedhaDantooine CraitGeonosis

Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Black Krrsantan, Din Djarin, Grogu, 8D8, Rancor, Taanti, Paz Vizsla, Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Mok Shaiz, Klatooinian Boss, Garfalaquox, Dokk Strassi, The Armorer, Peli Motto, Treadwill unit,Carson Teva, Paz Vizsla
Tatooine: Jabba's Palace, Mos Eisley, Mos Espa
Planets: Concordia, Mandalore, Spice Triangle
Mandalorians, Children of the Watch, New Republic, Pyke Syndicate, Mos Espa Crime Families, Tusken Raiders, Fett Gotra, New Republic, Jedi, Skywalker Family